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Friday, August 29, 2003

Morning...morning...pagi ini cuacanya enak dech..nggak terlalu panas agak agak adem hope sampe sore kaya gini kan enak nich bisa kemana mana......planningnya kita mau lunchie agak jauh nich dari kantor..abis bosen boo..makan di kantin terus..gitu gitu aja makanannya...

So today the planning is..lunch ditempat yg agak laen dech biar lebih *segar* aja pas balik ke kantor...but today my office really empty cuman a few yg stay...abis ternyata kan lagi ada event di Bandung... ..emang susah lah kalau my boss ada di kantor..jadi nggak bisa ikutan kemana mana...ehmmmm susah sich emang....sutra lah nggak usah dipikirin...daripada nanti pusing sendiri lagi guenya...
Oh yach musti inget hari ini...harus menanyakan ticket for YES CONCERT...... biasalah my lovely hubby kepengen nonton..and as a good wife musti nemenin dech..even I dunno understand the song even the band...

me writes @ 9:15 AM


Thursday, August 28, 2003

Baru siang ini nich sempet buat update my lovely bloggeeerrrr..... ......oh yach jadi lupa...wanna say...Reza-chan...thank you darleeng bikin zonkboard gue lebih senada dengan bloggerr..hihiihihi...thank you yach...walaupun sebenarnya pasti yang kepengen remove gambar my lovely takkyyyyyyyyyy...tapi tapi...pleassssssssseee jgn.....hihihihhhihihi
Baru aja nich ngeliat blogger yang laen...oh ternyata kyon kyon itu yang disebut..I thought that someone yg cute gitu ech ternyata eta mah takky juga hihihihihihi..aduh maafkan ira yach nere-chan..pantesan nere kepengen 1000x ..hihihih...emang lah suka tulalit gitu...

Anyway I have bad lovely friends disini..di kantor ini...masa mau keluar...padahal itu kan temen seperjuangan gue yang dari awal kita udah saling support and memberontak sama sama atas semua ketidakadilan hihihihihi yang kadang kadang kita rasakan di office ini..hihihiiihi ...ehmm kalau diinget inget gue bakalan sedih nich ditinggal sama dia....padahal kita udah deket cukup lama yach almost 3 years....whadda days gone by gitu aja..... ....gonna miss you darleeeng.....

me writes @ 1:43 PM


Tuesday, August 26, 2003

Finally akhirnya gue nonton Pirates of Carribean ....hihihii aduh Johny Deep lucu banget disitu... I think dia emang cocok dech jadi Pirates...yg jadi casting director musti diacungin ...ada Orlando Bloom juga ..yg emang dasarnya pantes meranin tokoh tokoh yang zaman baheula gitu...ehmm kan bisa diliat dari LOTR trus bentar lagi dia juga mau maen Troy if I'm not mistaken dengan brad pitt...
Ok dech back to Pirates...JD itu emang asle bagus banget..pantes nich film jadi box office....can't help it untuk ngakak apalagi dengan gaya *high*nya dia trus and suka berulang ulang ngomong ..Savvy...and his accent...oh my GOD...bisa berubah jadi England-France...yg emang England Accent dicampur sama France...anyway he's goood in this film...i think i may become his fans...pertama kali gue suka sama dia pas 21st Jump Street..and usually emang dia maen film yang *dark film*...yang nggak ada Happy Ending...tapi yang kemaren happy end gitu...... ehmmm apakah bakalan ada Pirates of Caribbean 2

me writes @ 10:06 AM


Monday, August 25, 2003

Morning everyone......whadda beautiful morning....ehmm my weekend is very great...finally ketemuan sama temen gue waktu sekolah sekretaris dulu....aduh anaknya lucu banget and bandel...and I think she likes me ...karena dia sekarang udah mau dipegang and minta gendong lagi sama gue...Gita....lucu banget dech anak elo..kayanya kita musti ketemuan sering dech siapa tau gue jadi ketularan hihihihihihi .....anyway..kemaren pas sabtu gue juga ke pesta nikahan temen smp gue..di Bidakara...and she looks great...and the wedding is so romantic...ada grand piano..with the background on Javanese tradition..i think it's mix up between modern wedding and traditional wedding.....very nice wedding....ehmmmmm I think my hubby tau dech ...gue jadi kepengen punya wedding for the 2nd time with the same hubby of course...hihihihiihihi jadi kepengen punya wedding yang modern gitu ....and u know what my hubby say..."Yang...kamu mau nggak our 10th Wedding anniversary dirayain disini dengan grand piano and romantic song" ...oh my gosh ...I luv you my darleeng...hihihihi kebayang donk dengan undangan for my closest friend and family..hihiihiihihi jadi kepengen cepet cepet 10th anniversary hihihihihi... ...

Anyway on the sunday..kita pergi ke Pasaraya Grande..and finally hubby setuju juga buat beli DVD ...hihihihihihihihihi love u darleeng...and akhirnya kita beli TV and DVD samsung gitu....ehmmmmm now u know why i insist untuk buy this stuff....and jadi kepikiran buat ngebenahin kamar and buy sofa bed........
kan biar lebih enak juga.......
And now this morning gue baru aja terima berita ternyata my lovely friend udah nggak boleh keseringan browsing...oh my my my... I know babe pasti take a notice juga of this...ehmmm maybe because she not in my department u know like admin stuff....ya sutra lah ..just be a good girl darleeng... ..nanti dia juga reda sendiri kok.. I've been there darleeng....

me writes @ 9:41 AM


Friday, August 22, 2003

Just back from Lunchie with my lovely friends ...kita ke Carrefour' lah jadinya ..because wanna try new atmosphere..yang biasanya kita pada makan di kantin kantor gitu or di pantry di our office...
anyway..still can't resist the charm of ALL IN.....just now playing the soundtrack..semakin gue dengerin semakin yang sukaaaaaaaaaa bangeeeeeeeeeeettt gitu ... ...

Btw...finally ada juga yang mau nolongin gue buat pasang you so much Reza.... ...even pun dia kepengen banget ngerubah my lovely TAKKYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY...hihihihiihihihihihi...maybe for next time kali yach kita ganti gambar takkynya hihihihihi...tapi tapi I know there's something wrong with the colour...nggak matching dengan warna blogger gue...tapi that's ok ...for the 1st step...yang penting udah kepasang...even you have a time reza.. tolongin lagi yach plssssssssssssssssss....

What's new ....ehmmmm just get the news from Region..that we can't use internet for one hours starting at 3PM.... we need to pasang security yang baru di server..I think because there's so much complain that our connection slow...I mean that worm that have been talking about for a week..already have in our server..??? ....can't imagine i'm not doing anything for one hours... ehmmmmm maybe call my lovely hubby for checking where we're going tonight ......... ..

me writes @ 2:54 PM


Barusan gue ngeliat blogger temen temen yang laen...aduh udah pada ganti semua ada yang di trus ada yang di zonkboard...cuman masalahnya gue nggak ngerti gue musti ganti dimananya... ..karena karena ini kan dibuatin sama Nere-chan darleeng....ehmmm apa gue minta tolong hubby kali yach buat break d code..u know ..yang HTML code kaya gitu...nanti kalau tagboardnya down..lagi gue bisa yg nggak jelas gitu donk....ehmmm mudah mudahan jgn sampe tagboardnya down lagi yach...tapi apakah mungkin ?????????
Is there somebody out there...helpppppppppppppppppp meeeeeeeeeeeeee ???????

me writes @ 8:51 AM


Thursday, August 21, 2003

Whadda lovely morning......hihihihi gue tadi nyampe kantor jam 7.30..ehmmm pagi bener kan ???? karena my lovely hubby mau ada seminar and he's become a speakerman....good luck my love...wish you success for this seminar... ...anyway gue mau cerita pengalaman gue pagi ini...karena mau menghemat ...gue naik bus lah...yach bus AC...ech ternyata teuteup lo gue musti pindah karena bus yang naikin itu nggak sampe Blok M... what d f*** they think about... ...udah gue pengen marah marahin aja dech ...tapi tapi ..pas tadi di bus itu...ada pengamen gitu...dan dia nyanyi yang bikin gue terharu gitu soal kita yang lupa sama karunia DI ATAS...karena we so working hard sometimes kita yang lupa untuk ucapkan TERIMA KASIH ATAS SEMUA KARUNIA DAN RAHMATNYA that's why I want sometimes naik bus..karena bisa mengingatkan gue dengan keadaan gue yang harus mengucap syukur atas karunia yang udah dikasih.............dan ini ngebuat gue jadi tersentuh gitu ...and I thank GOD for everything HE GIVES to me.. ...

Oh yach...finally gue penasaran untuk melihat Ending ALL IN..jadi gue yang langsung loncat untuk watch the final one...ehmmmm akhirnya happy ever should be...but the point that I've get from this series..that friendship never dies...also with love....but we can't describe our life as a gambling field....... pokoknya banyak juga point yang bisa diambil dari sini....and I love this series very much... u know yang sedih but worth it to watch .......and make me very much grateful that now i have someone that I can love and to be loved... cause u know will make our life so meaningful.....

me writes @ 8:35 AM


Wednesday, August 20, 2003

Ini soundtrack dari ALL - IN... I think I must buy this CD....

Who (Park Yongha) - Just like the first Day [T]

You said you had to go
That you had no choice
I only cried while holding your hand
You said that you will definately come back
That we will be able to laugh then

*The long wait gave me love
But i think I only gave you pain
Forgive me.. I was an idiot

**If the day when we meet again comes,
Im going to hold you tight and say that
You were the only reason to live
Without you, there is no me

***If the hard road comes to an end
The day when I close my eyes next to you
Remember this, you were my last love
Just like the first day

If I close my eyes, will I forget you?
I couldnt fall asleep those sad nights
Because even if I dream
If I see you, I was worried that I will cry
I couldnt open my eyes

me writes @ 11:24 AM


Morning..morning...gue barusan ngecheck blogger...kayanya ada something wrong with the tag board..kenapa juga gue nggak bisa liat ...ehmmm apa mereka lagi pada upgrade semua tag board ????? ...yach jadi nggak bisa liat comments yang laen donk.. ...Hari ini my lovely boss mau ada meeting di luar...I wish what he wish in this meeting will come true....kasian juga ngeliat dia kadang kadang yang udah susah gitu ...apalagi dengan selling yang makin lama makin nggak jelas....hopefully for the best....

Oh yach ...mau cerita kalau Soundtrack ALL IN finally udah gue DL semua hihihihi...thank u so much FG karena gue bisa dapetin semua yang gue kepengen dengerin ...bagus bagus kok...trus trus..kemaren kan liat iseng website Fansclubnya LBH ..ehmmmmm the latest news is dia mau ngeluarin CD yang isinya lagu lagu yang dia suka semua and especially there's one love song for the love sweet he is... .....jadi kepengen punya CDnya..tapi apa udah sampe disini yach ...the album is Honey, My Love... kalau nggak salah....
trus trus...baru liat Nere-chan blogger hihihihihihihi..ada klip Takky yang lagi digendong di dorama yang baru ....aduh nere..sampe Indo kapan yach..lah wong ini yang nere punya nanti cuman Japanese Language...ehmmm gue kan nggak ngerti ...kapan sampe Indo..u know kadang kadang yang sampe di Indo suka lamaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa bangettttttttttttttt... ...

me writes @ 10:09 AM


Tuesday, August 19, 2003

Baru aja ngeliat website gitu trus trus pas lagi ngeliat bloggernya temen gue ....aduh jadi inget salah satu song yang gue suka di soundtrack MG-2 ...Yo Te Amo... *it's make me have a clue to find spanish course* tapi sampe sekarang masih aja belum gitu..hihihihihihi but I luv this song... ..., tapi ini terjemahannya dari
Yo Te Amo or I love you...

In simple words, I miss you
In earthly language, you are my life
In total simplicity, the kindness is of your skin
The strength inside moves me to begin again
And in your body I find peace

If life permits me to be by your side
I have no doubt, my dreams will grow
If I were to lose my life in a second,
Let me be full of you
To live life after loving you.

Have no fears or doubts
This love is much to good
You will be my woman
I belong to you entirely
Look at my chest, It is open
For you to live in it.

For your peace of mind, you have me in your hands
For you are my only weakness
to the end, I only know that I will wait for you
That you are my life, and give me your light, and goodness
The world where your words are your will

The magic of this feeling, that is so strong and complete
And your eyes are my peace

If life permits me to be by your side
I have no doubt, my dreams will grow
If I were to lose my life in a second,
Let me be full of you
To love life after loving you.

Have no fears or doubts
This love is much to good
You will be my woman
I belong to you entirely
Look at my chest, It is open
For you to live in it

Have no fears or doubts

Have no fears or doubts

This really really nice love song....

me writes @ 3:49 PM

